Canal+ having decided to broadcast the match on their web site, I was ready for a good evening of French rugby yesterday. Unfortunately, the match was really, really tight - probably much more than Eurosport or l'Equipe put it. It was in fact seriously boring to say the least...
The opposition between the two back row Serge Betsen (Biarritz) and Thierry Dusautoir (Toulouse) was not really worth all the fuzz that Canal+ made to promote the event. It was so boring in fact, that one of the highlights of the 2nd half was the beginning of a brawl that saw William Servat (a big hefty baby as you know) being knocked out by a Biarritz player. Nice job though...
Well it seems anyway that Toulouse recovered from their humiliating 29-0 loss away to Stade Francais last week. You'll have, once again, to count on them this season for the Bremus trophy.
By the way, Brive plays Montauban this afternoon... Come on, lads!
Posted on 3/29/2008 05:14:00 pm by Nicolas and filed under
Well, the link above will give you the summary as Eurosport saw it and reported it on yahoo.co.ukCanal+ having decided to broadcast the match on their web site, I was ready for a good evening of French rugby yesterday. Unfortunately, the match was really, really tight - probably much more than Eurosport or l'Equipe put it. It was in fact seriously boring to say the least...
The opposition between the two back row Serge Betsen (Biarritz) and Thierry Dusautoir (Toulouse) was not really worth all the fuzz that Canal+ made to promote the event. It was so boring in fact, that one of the highlights of the 2nd half was the beginning of a brawl that saw William Servat (a big hefty baby as you know) being knocked out by a Biarritz player. Nice job though...
Well it seems anyway that Toulouse recovered from their humiliating 29-0 loss away to Stade Francais last week. You'll have, once again, to count on them this season for the Bremus trophy.
By the way, Brive plays Montauban this afternoon... Come on, lads!
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